There are quite a few instances where string operations in C# seem slightly verbose. So, I had a play around with extension methods the other day to see if I could come up with some alternate ways of doing some pretty standard operations but with a touch more syntactic sugar sprinkled on the top.

For example, rather than using string.IsNullOrEmpty it makes much more sense to me to call IsNullOrEmpty on the string you want to check instead:

// Checking for a null or empty string in C#
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(foo)) {

// versus
if (foo.IsNullOrEmpty()) {

Also, I thought it would be nicer if you could call some of the static Regex methods directly on string objects:

// Instead of this
if (Regex.IsMatch(foo, @"[a-zA-Z]+")) {

// You could just do this
if (foo.IsMatch(@"[a-zA-Z]+")) {

I have created a gist of these methods, plus a few others:

Are there any other string operations that you think should be included? If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment.