More adventures in Spacemacs
Following on from last week’s post here’s a couple of Spacemacs related things I’ve come across since then.
Jekyll layer
I write this blog using Jekyll, so I’ve added a Jekyll layer to make managing posts a bit easier. You need to add it as a private layer, and it acts as a wrapper around Hyde with some Spacemacs key bindings.
Spacemacs comes with a dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key
variable, which defaults to ,
. This acts as a shortcut to access the major mode SPC m
commands. However, I didn’t know about this when I setup Spacemacs and remapped my leader key to ,
. Consequently, when I tried to schedule an item in org mode I couldn’t work out why it didn’t schedule the item but opened a new email with my whole org file in it as HTML
To get around this I’ve updated my .spacemacs
file and set dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key nil
in dotspacemacs/init